Brand Pyramid
Voice & Tone Guide
The problem:
Despite having been around since 1976, Bankrate had never really established its brand identity. This lack of self-discovery was a contributing factor to our poor awareness scores, share of voice, and brand loyalty. 

The solution:
I led a brand sprint with cross-functional senior leaders, during which we rallied around our brand's values, analyzed category white space, aligned on our emotional and functional benefits, and more. The Brand Pyramid and Voice & Tone Guide were the output of these extensive conversations. Its genesis gave Bankrate a clear identity and provided the bedrock upon which our entire marketing and communications strategy is now built.

The results:
The crystallization of our brand identity was the springboard for our first national ad campaign since 1999. This strategic investment led to impressive brand wins, including a 120% increase in branded search, a 2-point improvement in awareness among Millennials (our target demo), and over 1.5 million clicks to site.
Content strategy
Brand strategy

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